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What if God Did Not Exist?

What if

Have you ever thought about “what if God did not exist?” It is a question that many have thought and many have asked. I remember a time where the day’s warmth was fueled by the sun, which rested high in the clear blue. This day was early summer, and the songbirds were competing with one another in melody. It was a beautiful day; actually, it was the wedding day of a young couple. The sweet aroma of flowers clung to you as a perfume. I love wedding days! The smiles on everyone’s faces are genuine smiles of happiness. The touch of the tight squeeze of your loved one’s hug is quickly welcomed.  It is moments like this. If you are willing to look, you can see the invisible. “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse” (Rom 1:20 NKJV)

The Questions, What if God Did Not Exist

I walked by three young men all dressed for the occasion, resting in a circle, “Minister, what if there was no God?” was the question tossed my way. All these young men were faithful to His church and asked this question jokingly, with lightheartedness. They all had strong faith in God, as I could tell. However, it can be on this occasion that the evil one will plant a seed of lies in the heart of someone by asking, “What if?” Some, knowing the playfulness behind this question might refuse to waste their time on it, and by doing so, we could be allowing satan to till new ground in one or all of these young men’s hearts. “(N)or give place to the devil” (Eph 4:27). I quickly responded, “It is an impossibility for God not to exist.”

All of them appeared to chuckle in agreeance. Now, that could be viewed as dodging the question. Which is why I think it was then asked, “Come on! What if?” So, I decided to give a defense for the hope which dwelled inside me. What if there was no Creator?

Colossians 1: 15-16

If God Did Not Exist

I told them, “Without a Creator, there would be nothing. No warmth from the sun or light from its rays. Nothing but cold, dark emptiness. We would not be seeing the beautiful day we all were living because it, too, would not exist without its Creator. There would be no songs from the songbirds or sweet aroma from the flowers.” 

Colossians 1:17-18

I continued, “If God did not exist, then nothing would be able to consist. The sun would grow cold and fail to be suspended in place. The earth would lose its orbit, its core would not be sustained, and its moon would fall. There would be no more smiles because if God failed to exist, love would also fail to live along with everything good.”

The Good News, God Exist

However, joyfully, all these things do exist! With this good news, we know it is impossible for God not to exist! Love never fails (1 Cor 13:8), and as that particular wedding day, the Bridegroom will be coming to collect His bride, and there are no “What ifs?” about it.

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